Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What do I do with old ink and toner cartridges?

The place I work at has boxes of ink and toner cartridges we%26#039;ve accumulated over the years. Some of them are those really big ones that go in copiers (like a foot and a half long). What can we do with them to get rid of them? Some ink we%26#039;ve used had a return lable you slap on the box when you are done and a UPS driver will pick it up, but I%26#039;ve never paid attention to where it goes. If I can%26#039;t find a way to recycle them for free is it okay to throw them out? Thanks!|||for the big ones, contact your supplier and ask what you can do with them

the small ones like you would have at home....there%26#039;s lots of places that have a drop box for those; churches, could contact that supplier too.....better yet, they are refillable at Walgreens, cheaper and work just as well....I would think Walgreens would also let you just donate them if you don%26#039;t want them refilled|||The cartridge itself is very expensive (even without the toner). Your supplier should have a recycling program that you can send the empty cartridges to and possibly get a discount on future orders. Some local office supply stores might also have recycling programs that you can drop them off at.|||You could make money? in the sense that office stores like STAPLES, OFFICE DEPOT and OFFICE MAX will give you $3 off coupon for each INKJET/TONER cartridge. A word of caution if you decide this is something worth pursuing is that some customer service counters will put a date stamp on these $3 off certificate(s) and if that%26#039;s the case, then you need to bring in so many at a time...

Hope the Above Info Helps!|||You can try or Both have advertized that they buy inkjet and toner carts.|||pls don%26#039;t threw out. sent it or sell it to the printer or consumable priting compaines, or the recycled companies. They will collect them and sell back to manufacturer.|||I would throw them in the trash

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