Saturday, December 12, 2009

Can Nintendo DS cartridges bought in the US run on an Asian DS?

If you buy a cartridge from the US, can you run it on a Nintendo DS bought in Asia?|||Yes. The Nintendo DS is not region locked so a game from any country will work on a DS from any country.|||Yes, you can. DS is a region-free system, which means that a cartridge from anywhere will run on any DS. The only exception to this is the Chinese Cartridges, which will not run on anything but a chinese DS due to the larger amounts of glyphs requiring a larger processing chip.|||Of course! like its already been said the DS is region free and will play games from anywhere! I have an english DS and i have a few US games for it as they are released over there earlier and cheaper!

btw the nintendo Wii IS region locked so only buy local games unless you have the freeloader!|||nope. ;_;|||Nope.

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